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by Victoria Alexander

I’m a boxing and MMA follower. At the moment I like Sean Strickland but Conor McGregor has first place. I doubt Conor will enter the cage again, but he enjoys making us hope and yearn for him. Unless UFC’s Dana White can make some Machiavellian voodoo happen and Conor is given a Papal dispensation freeing him from mandatory drug testing. I follow Tyson Fury and his younger brother, Tommy Fury. Now, Netflix has a documentary series called AT HOME WITH THE FURYS.

Tyson Fury has held the World Boxing Council (WBC) title since 2020. He has a huge, adoring following. He has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – which is a very popular diagnosis right now - and struggled in the past with recreational drug use, alcoholism, and extreme weight gain, but not one rumor of assignations with female fans.

Paris rules the house when Tyson is going off to his training camp and what he must do to prepare for a fight.

Paris says this about her 12 year old - going on 13 - daughter: “Venezuela is not really a ‘wanter.’ None of my kids are. It makes it hard to buy for them. To buy designer handbags and 10 pairs of shoes and diamonds and pearls, what does she have to look forward to in life then?”

Paris is either a blind saint or delusional.

Paris wears huge diamond earrings when lunching with Tommy’s pregnant girlfriend. Maybe Paris borrowed them from her mother.

Paris tells us that even though they could buy anything they want, it’s not preally how they see life. Yet Venezula wears a Rolex watch and is shown with two Louis Vuitton bags. One of the bags is LV’s “Ebene Monogram Coated Canvas Petite Valise Top Handle Bag, 2022”, which is currently selling on, USED, for $9,900. What could the price have been in their retail store in 2022?

Tyson and his wife Paris have six children, three boys and three girls. Paris has the most screen time and always talks about Tyson’s bipolar disorder. Every sentence includes how she must live with a bipolar husband and all the difficulties with absolutely no help at all in that massive house. There is no nanny for the youngest children. There is no nutritionist keeping Tyson on an athlete’s diet. Shouldn’t Tyson be able to hire a housekeeper, a live-in babysitter, a caretaker, and an assistant? We see Paris cooking and washing dishes. That mansion did not come with a


The series begins when Tyson recently retired. It is all about Tyson at home with nothing to do. He does not even have a gardener. Tyson loves, loves his fans. And he really shows sincere love for Paris. He complements her, shows her attention, and plans a romantic getaway third marriage proposal with a giant ring. Paris is hardly thrilled looking at that huge center stone.

It is embarrassing that the Netflix producers had to deliver the reality show tropes: the marriage proposal, the intimate vacation without the children, the parties and the barbecue. They even had the de rigueur confessionals given by Paris. Couldn’t the producers have come up with something unique and original?

Paris washing dishes?

Finally, Paris’s mother shows up to babysit the six children to allow them a few days alone. No help for grandma?

Paris is young and beautiful with a full head of envious blond hair though sometimes helped with added pieces. She doesn’t have a hairdresser. The Fury’s are really salt of the earth Gypsy people.

All everyone talks about is now that Tyson is retired, what the hell is he going to do? He is so magnetic and easy going – when he is in the “up” stage of his bipolar, he is full of fun and spontaneity. He declares religiously that retirement gives him the time to be a good husband and father. But, as Paris keeps telling us, there are the other moods lurking around. Is the family on “high alert” not knowing what kind of mood Dad is in?

Hasn’t Tyson heard of medication for ADHD and bipolar disorder? I don’t know, are they the same or different? Google doesn’t appear to distinguish between the two, symptom-wise.

Tyson Fury does not appear to have an organization behind him. He has no “crew” or people around him. No one is managing his “life after retirement.” Everyone wants him to box again and he, as the series ends, is going to fight again. He is thrilled.

Originally, Tyson had reservations when Netflix offered him a series. He finally agreed to allow cameras in his life. The Furys were set for Netflix’s Season 2 of AT HOME WITH THE FURYS. This was a surprise to Paris as she previously said that Tyson "wanted to cancel the whole show" when they were halfway through filming.

Fury confirmed this, saying: "I’d be on the phone with my lawyers, 'Is there any way I can get out of this?’ I don’t know what I’ve signed up for again. I said I’d never do it again, I’ve done it again.”

I would have loved to see those scenes. Tyson yelling at the production people. Tyson on the phone with his lawyers. We see the lovely, perfect and rich family.

With all the constant talk about Tyson’s mental illness, we never see the disruptive symptoms of his disorders. Tyson is never angry, does chores, plays with his children, and likes to go camping in their RV.

Tyson Fury has a huge amount of charisma, but I think Paris was the happiest with the series. She has been Tyson’s support for 15 years and is the “breakout star” of the series. Better than a big diamond ring, Tyson gave her recognition and camera time, because Tyson loves his wife.

Daily Mail UK reported: “Retiring Tyson saw the Netflix show as a lucrative opportunity in place of the money he would have earned by taking on a fight. But the filming process was particularly stressful and coupled with the fact by the end of the series he decides to come out of retirement, he put series two on hold for the foreseeable future. The paper also claimed that Tyson turned down a lucrative deal with Netflix worth millions for a second and third season of AT HOME WITH THE FURYS.

Tyson and Paris will have their seventh child this month. I hoped on season two I would at least catch a glimpse of the housekeeper and nanny. I know they are there.

Tyson Fury's next fight is against Francis Ngannou on Saturday, October 28, 2023. The Gypsy King will face his mixed martial arts rival in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It has been confirmed it will not be an exhibition bout with no knockdowns. I looked at hundreds of boxing sites. No one knows where in Riyadh the fight will take place or how many people the unknown stadium holds. Maybe the fight will take place in MBS’s backyard.

The ALL is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”

Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer Critic. For a complete list of

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Contributing to: FilmsInReview: FilmFestivalToday:

Member of Las Vegas Film Critics Society


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